Thursday, June 19, 2008

What ever happened to the news just reporting the news? Now half of the time is spent analyzing and listing to "commentaries" on what the news means. Can't we make our own judgements and decisions? If the news reported the news and gave us all of it instead of just their spin on things we could make informed decisions on our own. But then maybe we would not agree with the editors and managers of the "news"! Maybe that isn't what they want?
Why do we have to make a big production of every major event in the world. Report all the news and move on. Don't try the case on TV, let our court system do it without everyone being tainted and spun in the direction the editors & managers want us to go.
Now days News journalism isn't make sure of your sources and that the news is correct, It's can we be the first to tell someone, even if it isn't correct!!!
At least that is what I think.


The adage of "Garbage in Garbage out" is so true.
Our personality and self are shaped by what we surround
ourselves with. We need to look closely at the things
around us the things that we allow into our life to
guide and mold it. Where do you want to be 1 year
from now? How can you get there? Look at what we
surround ourselves with and make sure that it fits
where we want to go with our life.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


How many employees go to work to get paid, or do they go to work to work so they can get paid?
How many companies do you know of that think that one of their main objectives is to make money so they can provide jobs for their employees? Or do they stop after the statement, make money.

Why do we have companies and the government backing out of agreements with their employees? The US government entered in to an agreement with the men and women of the armed forces stating that if you give us 20 years of honorable service or more and retire, we will give you and your spouse lifetime benefits to include health. All you had to do is come to the nearest military facility and go to their hospital to get help. But that is costing too much so why don’t we make it cheaper for the government and harder for the retiree. After all it is just an agreement and the government doesn’t have to keep up its side. It would cost too much. How much did the men and women put on the line when they joined and fought the government’s wars? Companies have followed the government and are eliminating retirement benefits left and right. What company still has a retirement fund strictly funded and controlled by them? We have been told that it is much better for you to have your money invested in a stock fund of some sort than to have it invested with the company, (the company could go bankrupt or illegally spend your money and you would loose it all)

Would the rich get richer if no one had the money to purchase the product they want to sell to get richer.


Monday, June 9, 2008


Did you know that it takes more mussels to frown than it does to smile?

I didn’t know there were so many of us exercising our face muscles.
Why would we need to have strong muscles in our face?
Is there an exercise tape out on how to exercise your face for a better frown?
What would the world look like if we would just relax our faces and let our
joy and hope come out.
Try it today just smile at someone and see what happens.

Life is full of choices. The ones you make today will
determine what will happen in the rest of your life.
Just like the smile that you choose to give someone yesterday,
today's will affect everyone that you know and touch today.
Make an successful decision to make good choices today.
Think don’t react.


Question, Should a Government work for itself, or for the people that elected it?

Should people allow an elected Government to not represent them?

Should our elected Government really work or just put on shows to get elected?

Should all of our elected officials have term limits, or should we allow leaches to just live off of our hard earned money and do nothing but put on a show until they retire on our ticket?

What happened to government service? working for the people?

Government for the people, by the people, with the people. What is that??
or is it: Government by the few, for the few, funded by all!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

First page

If ever there was a time that the people of the United States of America need to unite and create change it is now. With gas prices in the sky, driving all other costs up and wages in the cellar, it is time for change. We need a complete change in our government, not just in the white house but in all of Washington. it is time for our elected officials to start representing the American people not themselves or their special interest groups. I for one am tired of the vocal minority telling the majority what and how to do and live. We all need to unite and stand up and get representation in Washington. I think that means that we need to clean house this election!!!

545 people!!!!