Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Privilege or Responsibility?

VOTING - is it a privilege?
Yes it is , one that few people in the world enjoy.
Counting all of the masses of people in the world, there are a small present of people that have the privilege of voting for their country's leaders. Most have to be satisfied with what fate deals them. They go through life not having the privilege of having a part in choosing their leaders. Most of the time it is the town bully or the relative or friend of the other leaders in power who get the nod of leadership. To the few (in numbers) people that have this privilege it should be something that they hold dear and want to protect it. In fact thousands of men and women have given their all doing just that! The concept of people choosing their leadership was almost unheard of before 1776. It definitely wasn't talked about in public in front of other leaders. But a group of men got together and hammered out a method of country leadership that has stood the test of time and has become the model for several other country's.

Freedom, to worship, to live, to choose your profession, to choose your town leadership, your state leadership, your country's leadership! This is what people have died for. Because of this sacrifice this freedom to vote should take on more than just a privilege it should be a Responsibility. The responsibility to exercise our God given right to choose who will lead our country and make the laws.

By not fulfilling this responsibility we indirectly support all of the other forms of government!!! But the worst part is we undermine the very foundation of government for the people and by the people. That means EVERYONE HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO SUPPORT OUR METHOD OF GOVERNMENT. It may not be perfect but it is a lot better than the alternative.

Pray for our country, and for its elected officials.

At least that is what I think

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