Thursday, August 21, 2008

lotto money!!!!

Shame on me. I knew that all of the propaganda put forth when the gamblers and lotto players wanted us to vote YES for lotto, wasn't true. I just didn't pay attention to where the money goes. In Indiana 4 months out of the year $7,500,000.00 is deposited into the Indiana state teachers' retirement fund!!!!
Starting in 1989 They have been giving money to the teachers retirement fund, not to the schools for our children's education. No wonder our property taxes are so high.
Question: how long do teachers have to work before they retire? Are they like our elected officials, one term!!! and then retirement for life!
Don't get me wrong we need good teachers and they deserve a good salary, but our children deserve a GREAT education and we were told that the schools would be running in money from the lottery!!! What happened?

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